Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, aims to contribute to the development of education at national and international level. In this purpose frame, the journal aims to serve the dissemination of information obtained from scientific studies.
Theoretical or applied studies in the following fields are considered for publication in the journal:
Physical Education and Sports Education
Computer Education and Instructional Technology
Biology Education
Geography Education
Religious Culture and Ethics Education
Curriculum and Instruction
Sociology of Education
Education Management and Supervision
Measurement and Evaluation in Education
Philosophy Group Education
Science Education
Physics Education
Visual Arts Education
Chemistry Education
Mathematics Education
Vocational and Technical Education
Museum Education
Music Education
Good Practical Examples for Teachers
Teacher Training
Preschool Education
Special Education
Psychological Counseling and Guidance
Art and Design Education
Classroom Education
Social Studies Education
History Education
Technology and Design Education
Turkish Language and Literature Education
Turkish Education
Distance Education
Foreign Languages Education
Creative Drama Education
Lifelong Learning
Dear Authors
When applying for an article to Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Faculty of Education, you are required to upload the following files. If the documents are uploaded incomplete, your work will not be evaluated.
1. Your Anonymous Article (Article Template)
2. Ethics Committee Approval
Within the framework of the criterion of “separate ethics committee approval must be obtained for clinical and experimental human and animal studies requiring ethics committee approval, this approval must be stated and documented in the article.”, which TR Index made mandatory in 2020, ethics committee approval for qualitative and quantitative field research with human and animal samples should be given as an attachment to the article and it should be stated that ethical rules are followed by specifying the date and number of the document in the method section of the article.
3. Similarity Report
Plagiarism Screening
Articles accepted for publication in Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty must be submitted with a plagiarism scan report made by iThenticate or a similar plagiarism program. The similarity rate of the articles to be published in our journal cannot exceed 15% and plagiarism cannot be accepted at any rate. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty has the right to reject all candidate articles that are found to be in violation of scientific ethics such as academic plagiarism, etc. during and after the preliminary review stage, and to initiate legal action against the authors.
4. Copyright and Author Agreement (Form)
Publication Ethics
Names and e-mail addresses on the journal website will be used for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be used for other purposes or for any other section. The candidate article has not been published elsewhere or submitted for publication. The name, place and date of the congress should be specified in the works presented in any symposium or congress and sent to our journal as published as abstract text. In studies supported by a research institution or fund, the name of the organization providing the support and the project number should be given. The responsibility for the legal consequences that may arise in the context of copyrights of articles that have been previously published elsewhere but are published because they are not specified or cannot be determined belongs to the authors. The copyright of the published articles in Turkey belongs to Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (MAKU) Journal of Education Faculty and the legal and scientific responsibilities belong to the authors.
5. Cover page with author contact information.
APA 7 Rules
Article Template
Evaluation Process
The evaluation process of candidate articles is carried out electronically. For this reason, candidate articles should be submitted via DergiPark (OJS) after being organized in accordance with the article template. Candidate article applications are first reviewed by our editors in terms of missing documents, form, language and scope, and then forwarded to our field editors.
If the field editor finds the candidate article worthy of evaluation after reviewing it, he/she appoints at least two referees with a doctorate (PhD) degree in the field for evaluation. The candidate article is sent to the referees together with the 'Referee Evaluation Form' without the names and colophons of the authors and is taken into the evaluation process. The referees are given at least 15 days for the evaluation and report. Referees may accept the candidate article as it is; they may request corrections or reject it.
At the end of the evaluation, the articles for which corrections are requested are forwarded to the author together with the referee comments. The candidate article becomes publishable if both referees' recommendations are 'publishable'; if one of the referees is positive and one is negative, it is referred to the third referee. The evaluations of the referees are only suggestions and the final decision belongs to the editor. The average article evaluation period of our journal is 6-9 months and may vary according to the referees' correction requests and intensity.
Important Note: In order to waive authorship or withdraw the article from the evaluation after the publication is submitted, a petition with wet signature must be written and sent to our journal.
In line with the decisions taken by Ulakbim TR Index, Ethics Committee Permission is required for studies to be published since 2020. When uploading your study to our journal, you must upload your Ethics Committee document together with your article file. If your study is not included in the study group that requires ethics committee permission, you must sign the declaration form stating this situation and indicate the relevant situation in your article text.
For studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (committee name, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article.
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi makale gönderim sürecinde herhangi bir ücret talep etmemektedir. Ücretsiz yayın yapan uluslararası ve açık erişimli bir dergidir.